This Morning when i wait up, my phone already have messages le.. quite many ya.. thanks Su Liang, Chu Xuan, Eii Hui, Jie En, Adeline, Michelle, Howard, Shin Yee, Daniel and some friends that i no list out.. after i reach school, i have reach present.. the day start good. muahaha.. thanks Su Liang and Adeline.. besides that, my'family'give me a present.. heavy yi xia oh.. later u can see.. then during recess, friends give me the cards and some new students say HAPPY BIRTHDAY to me.. thank you oh.. especially muda 08, thanks for the cards and some fren signature at the photo there.. HahA.. nice and touch to me.. hEHe~~ Night time my family buy cake and celebrate with me. Besides, my grandma and parents give me angpau.. hoho!! hehe.. Anywhere, this year i have enjoy it..THANK YOU!! Finally to shi hien, thank you for ur blog ya.. hehE~~
My wishes is hope everyone besides me healthy and happy always.. this much important oh.. Second is my poor result, get ahead and stay ahead arh.. hope i can do it lo.. Third wish have to keep it for myself.. hehe.. good luck to me.. haha~~
SOme Photos To EnJoY-----
Cutting the Cake
hehe~~angpau oh!!Grad^^
Parents give~~dunno how much inside..
Items That Celebration Must Have
T Shirt.. Thanks oh hehe!! Wont wear red le la..
This is the 'family' Present.. ehehe!! Heavy de le..
Group Photos xP xP
Front side of the photos......
Actually back side is full of signature..
thank you friends!!
AJK MUDA 08 cards.. hehe!! thanks.. Friend forever!!
start 20/11/07 know u all....i really feel bangga to have u this 19 frens..
~~~~~~~THANK YOU FRIENDS~~~~~~~